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Team Brabant Branding

Driven, interested, diverse. That characterizes the Brabant Branding team. With each of us having our own areas of focus and expertise, we share a common goal: positioning Brabant as a strong brand. We have extensive knowledge of what's happening in Brabant, a vast network of partners and organizations, and, of course, expertise in regional branding. We're here to help you make your strategy, project, or story thoroughly Brabantine and connect you with others. So, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!

Together with as many partners as possible, we promote the Brabant character, both nationally and internationally. The ultimate goal? To bring Brabant to the attention of various target groups in a positive way as a top knowledge and innovation region where it's great to live, work, learn, and thrive. This way, we facilitate the efforts of all parties involved in attracting talents, knowledge workers, companies, students, tourists, and more.

In Brabant, we seek groundbreaking solutions. We think outside the box. We don't keep our cards close to our chest; we lay them on the table. We take action together and in transparency. And Brabant immerses you and invites you into its Burgundian, hospitable, and convivial character. Only in a few regions around the world are pleasure and success so closely intertwined. This unique combination forms the basis of our success and gives Brabantians their distinctive, welcoming character.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    What are the brand values of Brabant? Why are the brand values in English?

  • Strategy

    Brabant is the ultimate knowledge and innovation region, the region in the Netherlands where it is a pleasure to work, live, and recreate. This perception of Brabant plays a significant role in the decision-making process of entrepreneurs, knowledge workers, and students to settle in Brabant.

  • Campaigns

    Familiarity with and a positive image of Brabant play a crucial role in the decisions made by entrepreneurs, knowledge workers, students, and tourists. Therefore, Brabant Branding develops targeted strategic branding campaigns to establish and maintain the region top of mind among these relevant target groups.

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